Bananas are a fruit that is often consumed by people in Indonesia. Indonesia itself has various types of bananas. Starting from kepok banana, plantain, Ambon banana to green banana. All of them have their own healthy benefits.
In addition to its affordable price, bananas are also believed to help restore energy after exercising. Various nutrients contained in bananas, such as potassium, fiber, vitamins A, K, C, and other iron make bananas a healthy fruit. One of the benefits of consuming bananas that is trusted by the public is lowering blood pressure.
"Because (bananas) are rich in potassium and this has the effect of dilating or enlarging blood vessels, which contributes to lowering blood pressure in the body," said Dr. Ida Gunawan Sp.GK, on the Ayo Hidup Sehat show on TVOne, Friday, March 29, 2019.
Besides having these benefits, bananas are also good for consumption because they are rich in fiber so they are good for the body, and improve the digestive tract.
However, bananas should not be consumed for those who suffer from hypoglycemia because they can increase blood sugar.
"The more mature bananas, the higher the glucose content. Therefore, when choosing bananas, you have to choose the one with the best maturity. Rather greenish than the yellow ones," he said.
So even with kidney sufferers because the content of potassium in the blood is already high, while bananas are known as a source of potassium which is very good for the body.
"Choose the green one. It's better than yellow, because the higher the maturity of the banana, the higher the sugar level," he said...
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