Slitting for most Indonesian people is considered as a matter of course. But, you need to be aware that snoring can trigger fatal incidents for sufferers.
This sleep disorder is called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a condition in which breath stops because the breath flow is blocked for 10-25 seconds. Because of this stopping breath, the brain does not get oxygen.
"Slitting is actually harmless if you don't clog your breath," said Dr. Arina Ikasari Muhtadi, SpTHTKL when met recently.
When stopping this breath occurs, the body will respond by giving a warning to wake up and cough. When you wake up and cough, oxygen can re-enter your head.
However, when the body cannot respond, the breath will stop forever. That is why, many OSA cause death.
Indonesia is one of the countries with the most OSA sufferers. The number is second in the world after the United States. Through research conducted by Dr. Rimawati Tedjasukmana, in Jakarta found OSA men with 16.18 percent and women 17 percent.
"The cause of Indonesia being number two in the world is because there is a public ignorance. People don't understand that OSA is dangerous," added Arina.
OSA can also trigger complications such as heart disease because oxygen cannot enter, diabetes because it is associated with obstructed blood flow, liver function disorders, accidents and death.
However, this disease can be prevented by making lifestyle modifications, including avoiding sedation, losing weight, avoiding sleeping on your back, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol consumption.
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