No Deodorant Needs, These 3 Natural Ingredients Are Effective To Eliminate Body Odor

Cleanliness is the main point in appearance. This includes free body odor or sweat odor. The smell of an unpleasant body will reduce one's confidence and make people around them feel uncomfortable.

The easiest way to prevent body odor by using deodorant. But the majority of deodorants use chemicals, which may cause irritation to owners of sensitive skin.

Besides deodorant, there are really natural ingredients around us that are effective for preventing and eliminating body odor. It does take a little extra effort to mix it, but natural ingredients are safer for your skin and health.

1. Betel Leaves

High betel leaf antioxidants that are useful for dealing with various health problems. In addition, betel leaf also contains vitamin C, thiamine, niacin, carotene and riboflavin which are good for the skin.

Here's a way to get rid of body odor with betel leaves:

1. Take a few betel leaves, clean from all the dirt that sticks.
2. Boil two cups of water, simmer with betel leaves for five to 10 minutes.
3. Strain leaves from water. Mix boiled betel leaf water into bath water.

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